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Real-time Analytics with Storm and Cassandra
Real-time Analytics with Storm and Cassandra

This book will teach you how to use Storm for real-time data processing and to make your applications highly available with no downtime using Cassandra. The book starts off with the basics of Storm and its components along with setting up the environment for the execution of a Storm topology in local and distributed mode. Moving on, you will explore the Storm and Zookeeper configurations, understand the Storm UI, set up Storm clusters, and monitor Storm clusters using various tools. You will then add NoSQL persistence to Storm and set up a Cassandra cluster. You will do all this while being guided by the best practices for Storm and Cassandra applications. Next, you will learn about data partitioning and consistent hashing in Cassandra through examples and also see high availability features and replication in Cassandra. Finally, you'll learn about different methods that you can use to manage and maintain Cassandra and Storm. ...
Mastering JavaScript High Performance
Mastering JavaScript High Performance

Studying JavaScript performance in depth will make you capable of tackling the complex and important tasks required to solve performance issues. In this book, you'll learn when and why to use an IDE over a common text editor. Packed with examples, you'll also learn how to create a build system to test and deploy your JavaScript project by optimizing the code. Next, you will move on to learn about DOM optimization, JavaScript promises, and web workers to better break up your large codebase. You will also learn about JavaScript performance on mobile platforms such as iOS and Android and how to deploy your JavaScript project to a device. Finally, by the end of the book, you'll be able to pinpoint JavaScript performance problems using appropriate tools, provide optimization techniques, and provide tools to develop fast applications with JavaScript. ...
Salesforce Reporting and Dashboards
Salesforce Reporting and Dashboards is the leading CRM platform. It offers cloud functionality even at the enterprise level. One of its most powerful features is the ability to build reports and dashboards without code and get a result in minutes. This feature is useful for multinational companies as well as small-scale ones. Salesforce Reporting and Dashboards provides practical information for system administrators to understand, control, and manage permissions related to the report folder, report, and dashboard management. This book starts with an overview of the entire Salesforce technology and then moves on to the more important topics of allocating permissions and choosing the correct reports to improve efficiency. ...
PowerCLI Cookbook
PowerCLI Cookbook

PowerCLI allows faster administration by executing tasks on groups of objects in the virtual environment and is flexible enough to allow complex, scripted routines to solve complex problems. PowerCLI Cookbook illustrates the ease of performing repetitive tasks using native PowerCLI commands to speed up administration. This book teaches you how to create custom functions and modules to solve specific problems and deploy these solutions to operators. It covers all vSphere administration areas including host, cluster, and virtual machine management utilizing PowerCLI. Finally, this book will enable administrators to execute scripts that will open new possibilities for automation and also enable them to manage VM workloads effectively. ...
Arduino Development Cookbook
Arduino Development Cookbook

The single-chip computer board Arduino is small in size but vast in scope, capable of being used for electronic projects from robotics through to home automation. The most popular embedded platform in the world, Arduino users range from school children to industry experts, all incorporating it into their designs. Arduino Development Cookbook comprises clear and step-by-step recipes that give you the toolbox of techniques to construct any Arduino project, from the simple to the advanced. Each chapter gives you more essential building blocks for Arduino development, from learning about programming buttons through to operating motors, managing sensors, and controlling displays. Throughout, you'll find tips and tricks to help you troubleshoot your development problems and push your Arduino project to the next level! ...
Programming iOS 8
Programming iOS 8

Start building apps for iOS 8 with Apple's Swift programming language. If you're grounded in the basics of Xcode and the Cocoa framework, this book provides a structured explanation of all essential real-world iOS app components. Through deep exploration and copious code examples, you'll learn how to create views, manipulate view controllers, and use iOS frameworks for adding features such as audio and video, access to user calendars and photos, and tracking the device's location. ...
Learning Ext JS, 4th Edition
Learning Ext JS, 4th Edition

The new Sencha Ext JS 5 library offers hundreds of components and APIs to build robust applications and fulfills the critical needs of customers all around the world. The new version 5 is packed with new themes and the MVVM architecture that allows you to connect the model layer to the view and automatically update the model when the view is modified and vice versa. This book covers many new features and components of Ext JS 5. At the beginning, learn the core concepts of Sencha Ext JS, components, data models, and mapping. This book also teaches you about event-driven development, forms and grids, charts and themes, and third-party plugins. Later on in the book, you'll learn the implementations of the Tree panel, the MVC pattern, and a completely new feature called MVVM. By working sequentially through each chapter and following the step-by-step guides, you will be able to create a basic application. ...
Designing Connected Products
Designing Connected Products

Networked thermostats, fitness monitors, and door locks show that the Internet of Things can (and will) enable new ways for people to interact with the world around them. But designing connected products for consumers brings new challenges beyond conventional software UI and interaction design. This book provides experienced UX designers and technologists with a clear and practical roadmap for approaching consumer product strategy and design in this novel market. By drawing on the best of current design practice and academic research, Designing Connected Products delivers sound advice for working with cross-device interactions and the complex ecosystems inherent in IoT technology. ...
JavaScript JSON Cookbook
JavaScript JSON Cookbook

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight text-based data interchange format used to create objects to transfer data over the Internet. It's widely used today by common web applications, as well as mobile applications. This book gives you clear ways that you can exchange objects using JSON, regardless of whether you're developing a web or traditional networked application. You'll start with a brief refresher on JSON and JavaScript syntax and read and write on the client and server. Then, you'll learn how to use JSON in simple AJAX applications using AngularJS and jQuery. Next, you will learn how to exchange objects with databases using MongoDB and CouchDB. You'll also explore how to use JSON in a type-safe manner, writing programs that have fewer bugs. ...
JavaScript Regular Expressions
JavaScript Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are patterns or templates that allow you to define a set of rules in a natural yet vague way, giving you the ability to match and validate text. Therefore, they have been implemented in nearly every modern programming language. JavaScript's implementation allows us to perform complex tasks with a few lines of code using regular expressions to match and extract data out of text. This book starts by exploring what a pattern actually is and how regular expressions express these patterns to match and manipulate user data. You then move on to learning about the use of character classes to define a wild character match, a digit match, and an alphanumeric match. You will then learn to manipulate text and shorten data in URLs, paths, markup, and data exchange, as well as other advanced Regex features. Finally, you will work through real-world examples, both in the browser and on the server side using Node.js. ...
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